
From Hostway API Documentation
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GET /orders/{orderId}/account/products

Get all Product in an account.



GET /orders/{orderId}/account/products

Request Parameters

orderId - string
The unique order Id. The URI of the order is returned by the POST /orders call.

URI Parameters


Request Headers

A cookie named OwnerId to identify the client (for most browser clients, the browser will do this automatically, depending on the browser configuration). The value of the cookie would come from the response to the create order request in the Set-Cookie response header.


Status Code

Status Code Error Message Description
200 OK - The products for the order (if any) are successfully returned.
401 Unauthorized This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document you requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser does not understand how to supply the credentials required. The OwnerId cookie or the Authorization header are not specified or do not permit access to the specified order.
403 Forbidden Unauthorized: Products failed permission check The client does not have permission to get the products.
404 Not Found Resource not found The client is trying to get the products for non existing order.
502 Bad Gateway - Unexpected backend response.

Response Body

Successful response

200 OK
  "list": [
      "status": "open",
      "services": "https://api.hostway.com/orders/{orderId}/account/products/{orderProductId}/services",
      "offering" : "https://api.hostway.com/productSpecifications/{productSpecificationId}/offerings/{productOfferingId}",
      "displayName": "My custom product name",
      "partnerId": "PartnerId",
      "links": [
        {"href": "https://api.hostway.com/orders/{orderId}/account/products/{orderProductId}", "rel": "self"}
  "links": [
      "href": "https://api.hostway.com/orders/{orderId}/account/products/",
      "rel": "self"
list - list
List of the products for the given account order. Each element of the list has the following attributes:
status - string
Current status of the product. Allowed values are new, pending, open, suspended, closed and purged
services - string
A link to the services associated with the product
displayName - string
A custom display name for the product.
partnerId - string
Partner id.
links - list
Hypermedia for the product resource
offering - string
Link to the product catalogue offering specifying the given product
links - list
Hypermedia for the list of product resources

Error responses

401 Unauthorized

This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document you requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser does not understand how to supply the credentials required.
403 Forbidden - the client does not have permission to get the products.
    "forbidden": {
        "guid": "d336dd8e-bc52-44f3-b672-9aa2fac7fbf4",
        "message": "Unauthorized: Products failed permission check",
        "code": 403,
        "details": ""
404 Not Found - there is no such order.
    "itemNotFound": {
        "guid": "579951da-5f2c-4db7-9169-25658bfaafdb",
        "message": "Resource not found",
        "code": 404,
        "details": ""
502 Bad Gateway - unexpected error from the backend.
    "computeFault": {
        "guid": "8ced5fe7-f6a9-4e8f-8700-cfc9fa15e6ce",
        "timestamp": "2014-09-10 20:59:50",
        "code": 502,
        "errorRefId": "8ced5fe7-f6a9-4e8f-8700-cfc9fa15e6ce"

See also

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