GET Exchange Mailbox

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Retrieve details for a particular Exchange mailbox

GET /accounts/{account-number}/exchange/{domain-name}/mailboxes/{username}

Response Body

  "username": "user1",
  "admin": 0,
  "notes": "some text",
  "quota": 100,
  "recipientLimit": 10,
  "archiving": 1,
  "blackberry": 0,
  "billingStatus": "open",
  "name": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "company": "My Company",
    "department": "Sales",
    "title": "President"
  "address": {
    "address": "100 Main St.",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "zip": "60001",
    "country": "US"
  "phones": {
    "businessPhone": "555-555-5501",
    "homePhone": "555-555-5502",
    "fax": "555-555-5503",
    "mobile": "555-555-5504"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "https://{server_name}/account/{account-id}/exchange/{domain-name}/mailboxes/user1"
username - string
the username of the mailbox
admin - boolean
if true, then the owner of the mailbox is an administrator on the domain; otherwise, the owner of the mailbox is an ordinary user
notes - string
any notes that are set on the mailbox
quota - string
quota of the mailbox in megabytes
recipientLimit - integer
the maximum number of recipients to which email can be sent from this mailbox
archiving - boolean
Displays whether archiving is enabled for that contact. Allowed values are 0 and 1
blackberry - boolean
Displays whether blackberry is enabled for that contact. Allowed values are 0 and 1
billingStatus - string
Current status of the mailbox. Allowed values are pending, open, suspended, close_pending, closed and purge_pending
name - dictionary
Additional information pertaining to the mailbox owner's identity
name - string
The name of the mailbox owner
company - string
The company name of the mailbox owner (optional)
department - string
The department name of the mailbox owner (optional)
title - string
The title of the owner of the mailbox (optional)
address - dictionary
Mailing address information for the mailbox owner (optional)
address - string
Street address of the mailbox owner (optional)
city - string
City of the mailbox owner (optional)
state - string
State or province of the mailbox owner (optional)
zip - string
The zip or postal code of the mailbox owner (optional)
country - string
The 2-letter ISO country code of the mailbox owner (optional). See for a listing of all country codes.
phones - dictionary
Phone contact information for the mailbox owner (optional)
businessPhone - string
The business phone number of the mailbox owner (optional)
homePhone - string
The home phone number of the mailbox owner (optional)
fax - string
A fax number for the mailbox owner (optional)
mobile - string
A mobile phone number for the mailbox owner (optional)
links - list
Hypermedia for this resource. Links to self.

Expected Response Codes

The mailbox has not been modified since the time specified in the If-Modified-Since header of the request. The client should use its own cached copy of the mailbox resource.
Not authenticated
Returned when the request does not contain an authorization header
Returned when the authenticated user does not have permission to view the specified mailbox.
Non-existent resource
Internal server error
Bad gateway
Returned when an error was caused by another error in an upstream system, or if an upstream system is found to be in an inconsistent state.
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