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GET accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/usernames/{mailbox}/exchange

Gets Exchange mailbox detailed info.



GET accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/usernames/{mailbox}/exchange

URI Parameters

account - string
domain - string
mailbox - string
The exchange mailbox name. String should meet the regexp [a-zA-Z0-9._-]+ ,max 64 characters

Request Headers

Authorization - HTTP Authorization header [1]
The Authentication credentials of the client application.
Required. Set this header to application/json; charset=UTF-8


Status Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
The supplied credentials are invalid or do not provide permissions for this operation.
404 Not Found
The domain name or mailbox does not exist.

Response Body

   "links": [
           "href": "{{APIBaseURL}}/accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/usernames/{mailbox}/exchange/", 
           "rel": "self"
           "href": "{{APIBaseURL}}/accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/usernames/{mailbox}/secrets", 
           "rel": "related"


maxReceiveSize - string
The MaxReceiveSize parameter specifies the maximum size of messages that this mailbox can receive. You must specify either an integer or unlimited.
maxSendSize - string
The MaxSendSize parameter specifies the maximum size of messages that this mailbox can send. You must specify either an integer or unlimited.
primarySmtpAddress - string
primary SMTP address
quota - string
recipientLimits - string
The RecipientLimits parameter specifies the maximum number of recipients per message to which this mailbox can send. You must specify either an integer or unlimited.
rejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers - list
The RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers parameter specifies the identity of recipients from whom messages are rejected.
requireSenderAuthenticationEnabled - boolean
The RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled parameter specifies whether senders must be authenticated. The two possible values for this parameter are true or false.
totalItemSize - string
total mailbox usage
activeSyncAllowedDeviceIDs - list
Active Sync allowed devices.
activeSyncBlockedDeviceIDs - list
blocked active sync devices.
activeSyncEnabled - boolean
allow mailbox access though active sync.
activeSyncMailboxPolicy - string
active sync mailbox policy name
hasActiveSyncDevicePartnership - boolean
return active sync device partnership exists of not
imapEnabled - boolean
allow mailbox access though imap.
mapiEnabled - boolean
allow mailbox access though mapi (Outlook).
owaEnabled - boolean
allow mailbox access though owa (Web mail).
popEnabled - boolean
allow mailbox access though pop3.
serverName - string
server name where user mailbox is located.
whenChanged - string
mailbox changed date.
whenCreated - string
mailbox created date.
city - string
City Name
company - string
Company Name
country - string
Country Name
department - string
Department Name
emailAddress - string
Email address, this is not actually SMTP proxy address.
fax - string
FAX number
homePhone - string
Home phone number
manager - string
mobilePhone - string
Mobile phone number
notes - string
office - string
Office Name
postalCode - string
Zip code
recipientType - string
resourceType - string
The resourceType parameter specifies the type of recipients returned. Recipient types are divided into recipient types and subtypes. Each recipient type contains all common properties for all subtypes. For example,the type UserMailbox represents a user account in Active Directory that has an associated mailbox. Because there are several mailbox types, each mailbox type is identified by the R ecipientTypeDetails parameter. For example, a conference room mailbox has RecipientTypeDetails set to RoomMailbox, whereas a user mailbox has RecipientTypeDetails set to UserMailbox.

This parameter returns the following values

  • RoomMailbox
  • EquipmentMailbox
  • LegacyMailbox
  • LinkedMailbox
  • UserMailbox
  • DiscoveryMailbox
  • SharedMailbox
type - string
the Exchange account type.

This parameter returns the following values

  • standard
  • premium
state - string
State / Province
street - string
Street name
title - string
webPage - string
web URL
workPhone - string
work phone number
displayName - string
Display Name
firstName - string
First name
lastName - string
Last name
username - string
domain - string
Domain Name which mailbox belong to
alias - string
Alias, actually this is equal to username.
acceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers - string
The AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers parameter specifies the recipients who can send e-mail messages to this mailbox. You can specify users, contacts, or distribution groups. If you specify a distribution group, messages are accepted from all recipients that are members of that distribution group. You can also specify Exchange as a valid recipient for this parameter. If you configure a distribution group to accept messages only from the Exchange recipient, the distribution group only receives system-generated messages
archiveDatabase - string
Archive Database name
archiveQuota - string
Archive Quota
database - string
Mailbox database name
deliverToMailboxAndForward - boolean
The DeliverToMailboxAndForward parameter specifies whether messages sent to this mailbox are forwarded to another address. If the DeliverToMailboxAndForward parameter is set to true, messages are delivered to the mailbox and to the forwarding address. If set to false, messages are delivered only to the forwarding address.
emailAddresses - list
all SMTP proxy address.
address - string
SMTP proxy address
header - string
protocol. if HEAD is capital like SMTP, it is primary SMTP address. smtp is secondary address.
forwardingSmtpAddress - string
The ForwardingSmtpAddress parameter specifies a forwarding SMTP address.
hiddenFromAddressListsEnabled - boolean
The HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled parameter specifies whether this mailbox is hidden from other address lists. The two possible values for this parameter are true or false.
itemCount - string
Count of mailbox items
links - list
Hypermedia to the get exchange mailbox details resources


Failure getting Exchange mailbox info for a non-existent domain


GET accounts/test-account-id/email/ 


404 Not Found

Success getting Exchange mailbox info


GET accounts/test-account-id/email/ 


200 OK

   "maxReceiveSize":"50 MB (52,428,800 bytes)",
   "maxSendSize":"50 MB (52,428,800 bytes)",
   "quota":"1000 MB (1,048,576,000 bytes)",
   "whenChanged":"10/11/2013 9:43:48 AM",
   "whenCreated":"10/11/2013 9:43:39 AM",
   "city":"My City",
   "company":"My Company",
   "notes":"Hello Notes",
   "office":"My Office",
   "postalCode":"V6C 3T3",
   "displayName":"My DisplayName",
   "firstName":"My FirstName",
   "lastName":"My LastName",
   "archiveQuota":"50 GB (53,687,091,200 bytes)",
   "links": [
          "href": "{{APIBaseURL}}/accounts/test-account-id/email/", 
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "{{APIBaseURL}}/accounts/test-account-id/email/", 
          "rel": "related"

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