
From Hostway API Documentation
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POST /orders/{orderId}/account/products/{productId}/services

Adds a new service to a product in the order.



POST /orders/{orderId}/account/products/{productId}/services

Request Parameters

orderId - string
The unique order Id. The URI of the order is returned by the POST /orders call.
productId - string
UUID specifying the product

URI Parameters


Request Headers

Required. Set this header to application/json; charset=UTF-8
A cookie named OwnerId to identify the client (for most browser clients, the browser will do this automatically, depending on the browser configuration). The value of the cookie would come from the response to the create order request in the Set-Cookie response header.

Request Body

  "name": "john.smith1",
  "relatedTo": [ "https://api.hostway.com/orders/{orderId}/account/products/{productId}/services/{serviceId}" ],
  "serviceSpecification": "https://api.hostway.com/serviceSpecifications/{serviceSpecificationId}",
  "billingCycle": 1,
  "attributes": {
    "{attribute-name}": "{attribute-value}",


name - string
The name of the new service
relatedTo - list
A list containing other services related in some way to the newly created service. The relatedTo may be omitted, but relationships between some types of services have to be established for the order to be validated or submitted.
serviceSpecification - string
Link to the product catalog specification describing the new service
billingCycle - integer
Billing cycle (length of billing period in months) of the service. Allowed values are from 1 to 120
attributes - dictionary
a dictionary of the new service's attributes values. Each (attribute-name, attribute-value) pair present the service attribute name and its relevant value to be set. The allowed attribute names depends on the serviceSpecification field value. See Service Attributes Structure.

Validation Rules

  1. The service specification URL ( https://api.hostway.com/serviceSpecifications/{serviceSpecificationId} ) should point to an existing service.
  2. Each service URL ( https://api.hostway.com/orders/{orderId}/account/products/{productId}/services/{serviceId} ) from the related services list should point to a valid service already added to the product.
  3. The service billing cycle should be allowed for the product.
  4. The product should support adding the service.


Status Code

201 Created
The product was successfully added to the order.
400 Bad Request
The request body contains invalid JSON or the values do not adhere to the restrictions set for them.
401 Unauthorized
The OwnerId cookie was not specified or is incorrect.
403 Forbidden
The client does not have permissions to add services.
404 Not Found
An account has not been added to the given order or the order does not exist.
409 Conflict
A conflict has occurred preventing attributes creation to particular service. There are different conflict situations for different products/services
Domain-dependent services
One of the domains to be ordered is already owned by another account or is blacklisted.
Email domain alias service
A domain alias would produce impossible to delivery loops namely:
- There is an email forwarder from the target domain name to a mailbox of the domain alias with the same username, OR
- There is an email forwarder from the domain alias to a mailbox of the target domain name with the same username

Response Headers

Returned with successful response. Contains the URI of the newly added service.

Response Body



Create a service with attributes


    "name": "ng-test-hwus-test.com",
    "serviceSpecification": "https://api.hostway.com/serviceSpecifications/core.dedserver",
    "billingCycle": 1,
    "attributes": { 
        "serverName": "sampleServerName",
        "serverLocation": "Tampa"


    "url": "https://api.hostway.com/order/account/products/00000140728b013c52e249a4007f000000010001/services/00000140735d43640f62c50f007f000000010001/"

See also

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