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GET /accounts/{accountId}/products/{productId}/bandwidth/weekly?filterType={filterType}&from={filterStartDate}&to={filterEndDate}

Get a report on the weekly bandwidth usage of the product

Each bandwidth usage is filtered by the traffic type(www, ftp), the start date and the end date in ISO format(eg. 2013-02-20)



GET /accounts/{accountId}/products/{productId}/bandwidth/weekly?filterType={filterType}&from={filterStartDate}&to={filterEndDate}

Request Parameters

accountId - string
The Id of the account.
productId - string
The Id of the product.

URI Parameters

filterType(optional) - string - optional
Should be one of either www or ftp. In case the total(www + ftp) bandwidth is needed, this parameter can be omitted. If it's omitted, the response will include separate entries for each bandwidth type; they will not be summed for each week.
filterStartDate - string - required
Start date of the bandwidth usage report. Should be in YYYY-MM-DD(ISO) format. The usage returned includes usage with dates from filterStartDate 00:00:00 UTC. filterStartDate must be older or equal to filterEndDate.
filterEndDate - string - required
End date of the bandwidth usage report. Should be in YYYY-MM-DD(ISO) format. The bandwidth usage returned includes all dates to filterEndDate 23:59:59 UTC. filterEndDate must be older than today's date in UTC.
showBlanks - optional
When the showBlanks parameter is passed, the response body will include values for all weeks and types, even if there is no associated traffic.

Request Headers

Authorization - HTTP Authorization header [1]
The Authentication credentials of the client application.

Request Body



Status Code

200 OK
400 Bad Request
A request is considered bad any of the following situation is available:
- filterType is not one of www, ftp;
- filterStartDate or filterEndDate URI parameter is missing;
- filterEndDate is older than filterStartDate;
- either filterEndDate or filterStartDate are today's date or a future date;
- filterEndDate is more than 100 weeks after filterStartDate
403 Forbidden
Forbidden access to the account.
404 Not Found
The account Id or product Id was not found.

Response Body

 "list" : [
      "week": {weekNumber},
      "year": {yearNumber},
      "type": {trafficType},
      "domain": {domainName},
      "bytes": {numberOfBytes}
  } ,..., 
      "week": {weekNumber},
      "year": {yearNumber},
      "type": {trafficType},
      "domain": {domainName},
      "bytes": {numberOfBytes}
  } ],
  "links" : [ {
    "href" : "{{APIBaseURL}}/accounts/smith182278/products/smith182278-0000013534cbbc0dc7182cea000aa37f798db0/bandwidth/weekly?from=2012-01-01&to=2012-12-31",
    "rel" : "self"
  } ]


list - list
a list of all bandwidth usage records. Each record consists of:
week - integer
the week of the year for which the bandwidth is collected. This is a number from 1 to 52 or 53. "Week 1" is whichever week contains the date of January 4 of that year, starting with Monday and ending with Sunday. Any dates within the year that precede this week are considered to be within the last week of the previous year.
year - integer
the year for which the bandwidth is collected
trafficType - string
type of the traffic(www or ftp)
domainName - string
the domain name, for which the bandwidth data is collected
bytes - integer
the bandiwdth calculated in bytes
links - list
Hypermedia for this resource. Links to self.


GET call


GET {{APIBaseURL}}/accounts/smith182278/products/smith182278-0000013534cbbc0dc7182cea000aa37f798db0/bandwidth/weekly?filterType=www&from=2012-06-03&to=2012-06-24


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "list" : [ {
      "week": 23,
      "year": 2013
      "type": "www",
      "domain": "",
      "bytes": 12345678
  }, {
     "week": 24,
     "year": 2013
     "type": "www",
     "domain": "" ,
     "bytes": 1048576
  }, {
    "week" : 25,
    "year": 2013
    "type" : "www",
    "domain" : "",
    "bytes" : 2097152
  "links" : [ {
    "href" : "{{APIBaseURL}}/accounts/smith182278/products/smith182278-0000013534cbbc0dc7182cea000aa37f798db0/bandwidth/daily?from=2013-06-03&to=2013-06-24",
    "rel" : "self"
  } ]

See also

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