From Hostway API Documentation
Revision as of 15:34, 1 February 2012 by Administrator (Talk | contribs)
Lists all server including details.
GET /servers/detail?name=serverName&status=serverStatus&image=imageRef
Contents |
- name - string
- Server name to search for.
- status - string
- Server status to search for. Values: BUILD, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DELETED, UNKNOWN
- image - string
- Absolute URL of the image to filter servers by. e.g.
{ "servers":[ { "status":"ACTIVE", "updated":"", "hostId":"host012-aus01.hyperv.hostway", "addresses":{ "public":[ { "version":4, "addr":"" } ], "private":[ { "version":4, "addr":"" } ] }, "links":[ { "href":"", "rel":"self" } ], "image":{ "name":"Ubuntu 10.10 x64", "links":[ { "href":"", "rel":"self" } ], "id":"20GB_Ubuntu 10.10 x64 R1soft" }, "userId":"michalski275226", "flavor":{ "name":"1024MB Server3", "links":[ { "href":"", "rel":"self" } ], "id":3 }, "id":"michalski275226-AUS001-0005", "name":"michalski275226-AUS001-0005", "created":"2011-12-05T12:51:28", "tenantId":"", "accessIPv4":"", "accessIPv6":"", "progress":100, "metadata":{ } }, { "status":"ACTIVE", "updated":"", "hostId":"host008-aus01.hyperv.hostway", "addresses":{ "public":[ { "version":4, "addr":"" } ], "private":[ { "version":4, "addr":"" } ] }, "links":[ { "href":"", "rel":"self" } ], "image":{ "name":"Windows 2008 R2 Standard ", "links":[ { "href":"", "rel":"self" } ], "id":"20GB_Windows 2008 R2 Standard with R1soft" }, "userId":"michalski275226", "flavor":{ "name":"1024MB Server3", "links":[ { "href":"", "rel":"self" } ], "id":3 }, "id":"michalski275226-AUS001-0001", "name":"michalski275226-AUS001-0001", "created":"2011-11-17T10:14:58", "tenantId":"", "accessIPv4":"", "accessIPv6":"", "progress":100, "metadata":{ } } ] }
- id - string
- Unique identifier for this server.
- links - list
- Hypermedia for this resource.
- status - string
- Current state of the server. Values: BUILD, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DELETED, UNKNOWN
- hostId - string
- Id of the physical host this virtual machine is running on.
- userId - string
- Unique identifier for the owner of this server.
- name - string
- Name for this server.
- created - string
- The date and time this server was created. ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.
- accessIPv4 - string
- The default included public IPv4 address.
- progress - number
- The progress of the current this server while in the BUILD status. The value is in the range of 0 - 100, but currently will only even be 0, 50, 100.
- metadata - object
- Unused always an empty object.
- tenantId
- Unused always always null.
- accessIPv6
- Unused always null.
- updated
- Unused always null.
- addresses.public.version - number
- IP version of this address. Values: 4
- addresses.public.addr = string
- Public IP address of this server
- addresses.private.version - number
- IP version of this address. Values: 4
- addresses.private.addr - string
- Private IP address of this server
- - string
- The display name of the image this server is based on.
- image.links - list
- Hypermedia for the image.
- - string
- Unique identifier for image this server is based on.
- - string
- The display name of the flavor this server is based on.
- flavor.links - list
- Hypermedia for the flavor.
- - string
- Unique identifier for flavor this server is based on.