From Hostway API Documentation
Revision as of 12:16, 24 July 2015 by Mike.robski (Talk | contribs)
GET /accounts/{accountNumber}/web/{domainName}/ssl
Get Ssl detail for existing account
Contents |
GET /accounts/{accountNumber}/web/{domainName}/ssl
URI Parameters
- accountNumber - string
- The user account to which the domain name and the ssl feature belong
- domainName - string
- The target domain name (domain name under which the site is actually hosted)
Request Headers
- Authorization - HTTP Authorization header [1]
- The Authentication credentials of the client application.
Response Body
{ "fax": "{fax}", "adminLastname": "{admin_lastname}", "PrivateKey": "{PrivateKey}", "billingFirstname": "{billing_firstname}", "addressline1": "{addressline1}", "certificateStatus": "{certificate_status}", "phone": "{phone}", "commonName": "{common_name}", "is_hosted": "{is_hosted}", "approverEmail": "{approver_email}", "postalcode": "{postalcode}", "productCode": "{product_code}", "billingPhone": "{status}", "techEmail": "{tech_email}", "webserverType": "{webserver_type}", "city": "{city}", "adminEmail": "{admin_email}", "billingLastname": "{billing_lastname}", "techPhone": "{tech_phone}", "adminFirstname": "{admin_firstname}", "billingEmail": "{billing_email}", "adminPhone": "{admin_phone}", "duns": "{duns}", "domainName": "{domain_name}", "organizationName": "{organization_name}", "techFirstname": "{tech_firstname}", "techLastname": "{tech_lastname}", "addressline2": "{addressline2}", "addressline3": "{addressline3}", "country": "{country}", "sslProvider_order_id": "{ssl_provider_order_id}", "CSR": "{CSR}", "type": "{type}", "validityPeriod": "{validity_period}", "ServerCertificate": "{ServerCertificate}" }
- status - string
- Status of the page.
- fax - string
- fax accociated with ssl
- adminLastname - string
- admin lastname accociated with ssl
- PrivateKey - string
- private key of ssl
- billingFirstname - string
- billing lastname accociated with ssl
- addressline1 - string
- address accociated with ssl
- certificateStatus - string
- ssl certificate status (waiting_approval, processed)
- phone - string
- pone accociated with ssl
- commonName - string
- common domain name accociated with ssl
- isHosted - string
- (true, false)
- approverEmail - string
- the email that approved the ssl
- postalcode - string
- postal code accociated with ssl
- productCode - string
- product name
- billingPhone - string
- billing phone accociated with ssl
- techEmail - string
- technjical email accociated with ssl
- webserverType - string
- type of website (linux, windows)
- city - string
- city accociated with ssl
- adminEmail - string
- admin email accociated with ssl
- billingLastname - string
- billing last name accociated with ssl
- techPhone - string
- technical phoe accociated with ssl
- adminFirstname - string
- admin first name accociated with ssl
- billingEmail - string
- billing email accociated with ssl
- adminPhone - string
- admin phone accociated with ssl
- duns - string
- dunn and brandstreet number for a company
- domainName - string
- domain name accociated with ssl
- organizationName - string
- organization name accociated with ssl
- techFirstname - string
- technical first name accociated with ssl
- techLastname - string
- technical last name accociated with ssl
- addressline2 - string
- address 2 accociated with ssl
- addressline3 - string
- address 3 accociated with ssl
- country - string
- country accociated with ssl
- sslProvider_order_id - string
- oreder id assigned ny Geotrust
- CSR - string
- Base 64 encoded data item that contains the public key to be inserted into the certificate
- type - string
- the type of certificate (Geotrust, Thawte)
- validityPeriod - string
- certificate validity period
- ServerCertificate - string
Status Code
- 200 OK
- Success
- 401 Unauthorized
- The supplied credentials are invalid or do not provide permissions for this operation.
- 403 Forbidden
- The authenticated user is not allowed to access this resource
- 404 Not Found
- The domain name does not exist.
Get Ssl detail for existing account
GET /accounts/acct138699/email/
200 OK { "ssl": [{ "adminLastname": "Sireni", "fax": "1-866-274-2178", "techEmail": "", "adminEmail": "", "duns": "", "addressline1": "Bentall Tower 5 550 Burrard St., 2nd Fl.", "adminPhone": "1-866-274-2178", "phone": "1-866-274-2178", "techFirstname": "Doron", "ServerCertificate": null, "sslProviderOrderOd": "OzmKABZZQSd6CQoSC3nsk", "postalcode": "V6C2B5", "certificateStatus": "", "PrivateKey": null, "webserverType": "linux", "CSR": " BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST 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\nrC6kUUBtJJ+vYcPXocJ7llcd9k8+z9pbBG0z\n END CERTIFICATE REQUEST \n", "productCode": "QuickSSLPremium", "organizationName": "Home", "adminFirstname": "Doron", "billingPhone": "1-866-274-2178", "billingFirstname": "Doron", "domainName": "", "commonName": "", "techPhone": "1-866-274-2178", "techLastname": "Sireni", "isHosted": "True", "approverEmail": "", "addressline3": "", "billingEmail": "", "billingLastname": "Sireni", "addressline2": "", "country": "CA", "type": "Geotrust", "city": "Vancouver", "validityPeriod": "12"}] }
Get ssl service for not existing domain
GET /accounts/acct957730/web/
404 Not Found {"itemNotFound": {"guid": "520a16fd-7505-4100-88ba-bbf3fb745e1b", "message": "Resource not found", "code": 404, "details": ""}}