Release 103
From Hostway API Documentation
Revision as of 11:24, 6 February 2015 by Mike.robski (Talk | contribs)
Release 103 - 02/11/2015
List of changes in Release 103.
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New API calls
DELETE /accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/blackwhitelist/{address}
- Remove black/white listed address
GET /accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/blackwhitelist/{address}
- Get black/white listed address details
PUT /accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/blackwhitelist
- Adding/updating addresses to black/white list for a specific domain
GET /accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/blackwhitelist
- Retrieves a list of all addresses included in black/white list for a specific domain
DELETE /accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/usernames/{mailbox}/blackwhitelist/{address}
- Remove black/white listed address
GET /accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/usernames/{mailbox}/blackwhitelist/{address}
- Get black/white listed address details
PUT /accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/usernames/{mailbox}/blackwhitelist
- Adding/updating addresses to black/white list for a specific mailbox
GET /accounts/{account}/email/{domain}/usernames/{mailbox}/blackwhitelist
- Retrieves a list of all addresses included in black/white list for a specific mailbox
Modified API calls
GET /accounts/{accountNumber}/domains
- Added serviceSpecification attribute