From Hostway API Documentation
Revision as of 16:10, 13 April 2012 by Administrator (Talk | contribs)
This operation will return details of a single server.
GET /servers/id
Contents |
- id - string
- Id of the server to get.
{ "server":{ "status":"ACTIVE", "updated":null, "hostId":"{host_id}", "addresses":{ "public":[ { "version":4, "addr":"{ip_address}" } ], "private":[ { "version":4, "addr":"{ip_address}" } ] }, "links":[ { "href":"http://{server_name}/servers/{server_id}/", "rel":"self" } ], "image":{ "name":"Ubuntu 10.10 x64", "links":[ { "href":"http://{server_name}/images/20GB_Ubuntu%2010.10%20x64%20R1soft/", "rel":"self" } ], "id":"20GB_Ubuntu 10.10 x64 R1soft" }, "userId":"{user_account_id}", "flavor":{ "name":"1024MB Server3", "links":[ { "href":"http://{server_name}/flavors/3/", "rel":"self" } ], "id":3 }, "id":"{server_id}", "name":"{display_server_name}", "created":"2011-12-05T12:51:28", "tenantId":null, "accessIPv4":"{ip_address}", "accessIPv6":null, "progress":100, "metadata":{ } } }
- id - string
- Unique identifier for this server.
- links - list
- Hypermedia for this resource.
- status - string
- Current state of the server. Values: BUILD, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DELETED, UNKNOWN
- hostId - string
- Id of the physical host this virtual machine is running on.
- userId - string
- Unique identifier for the owner of this server.
- name - string
- Descriptive name for this server.
- created - string
- The date and time this server was created. ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.
- accessIPv4 - string
- The default included public IPv4 address.
- progress - number
- The progress of the current this server while in the BUILD status. The value is in the range of 0 - 100, but currently will only even be 0, 50, 100.
- metadata - object
- Unused always an empty object.
- tenantId
- Unused always always null.
- accessIPv6
- Unused always null.
- updated
- Unused always null.
- addresses.public.version - number
- IP version of this address. Values: 4
- addresses.public.addr = string
- Public IP address of this server
- addresses.private.version - number
- IP version of this address. Values: 4
- addresses.private.addr - string
- Private IP address of this server
- - string
- The display name of the image this server is based on.
- image.links - list
- Hypermedia for the image.
- - string
- Unique identifier for image this server is based on.
- - string
- The display name of the flavor this server is based on.
- flavor.links - list
- Hypermedia for the flavor.
- - string
- Unique identifier for flavor this server is based on.
Response Codes
- Success
- OK (200)
- Failure
-Unauthorized (401) : This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document you requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser does not understand how to supply the credentials required. -ItemNotFound (404) : The resource requested is not found.
GET {server_name}/servers/{server_id}
- Request Headers:
Content-Type:application/json Charset=UTF-8 Authorization:Base64-encoded username & password string
- Response: OK (200):
{ "server": { "status": "ACTIVE", "updated": null, "hostId": "", "addresses": { "public": [{ "version": 4, "addr": "{ip_address}"}], "private": [{ "version": 4, "addr": "{ip_address}"}]}, "links": [{ "href": "http://{server_name}/servers/{server_id}/", "rel": "self"}], "image": { "name": "CentOS 5 Plesk", "links": [{"href": "http://{server_name}/images/Centos%205%20x86%20Plesk/", "rel": "self"}], "id": "Centos 5 x86 Plesk" }, "userId": "{user_account_id}", "flavor": {"name": "", "links": [], "id": ""}, "id": "{server_id}", "name": "{display_server_name}", "created": "2011-11-25T12:16:47", "tenantId": null, "accessIPv4": "{ip_address}", "accessIPv6": null, "progress": 100, "metadata": {} } }
- When a server is still pending (has not completed the provisioning process), the creation timestamp and hostId that are returned will be empty string.
- Response:
Unauthorized (401):
401 Unauthorized This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document you requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser does not understand how to supply the credentials required.
- Response: ItemNotFound (404):
{"itemNotFound": {"message": "Resource not found", "code": 404, "details": ""}}