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POST /accounts/{accountId}/paymentInfo

Create a new payment information for a particular account



POST /accounts/{accountId}/paymentInfo

Request Parameters

The ID of the account

URI Parameters


Request Headers

Authorization - HTTP Authorization header [1]
The Authentication credentials of the client application.

Request Body

For adding a credit card

 "paymentInfoType": {paymentInfoType},
 "accountNumber": {accountNumber},
 "cardHolderName": {cardHolderName},
 "expirationDate": {expirationDate},
 "verificationNumber": {verificationNumber},
 "billingAddress": {
    "street1": {street1},
    "street2": {street2},
    "city": {city},
    "stateOrProvince": {stateOrProvince},
    "postalCode": {postalCode},
    "countryCode": {countryCode}
 "routingNumber": {routingNumber},
 "accountOwner": {accountOwner},
 "accountName": {accountName},
 "bankName": {bankName},
 "bankCity": {bankCity},
 "bankCountry": {bankCountry}


paymentInfoType - string
Required. Type of the payment method. Allowed values are credit_card and direct_debit.
accountNumber - string
Required. Payment account number. This the credit card number or the bank account number.
cardHolderName - string
Required.(For credit cards only) Name of the card holder. Generally, it is the name that appears on the CC.
expirationDate - string
Required.(For credit cards only) Expiration date of the credit card. Should be in the yyyy-m format.
verificationNumber - string
Required.(For credit cards only) The CVV number (Card Verification Value) of the credit card.
billingAddress - dictionary
Required.(For credit cards only) The billing address of the credit card. It's important that the address provided matches the one with which the credit card was registered as the card will be validated through an AVS (Address Verification Service)
street1 - string
Required. The address line 1 of the billing address.
street2 - string
Optional. The address line 2 of the billing address.
city - string
Required. The city of the billing address.
stateOrProvince - string
Optional. The state Or province of the billing address.
postalCode - string
Optional. The postal code of the billing address.
countryCode - string
Optional. The country code of the billing address.
routingNumber - string
Required.(For direct debit only). The bank routing number.
accountOwner - string
Optional.(For direct debit only). Name as it Appears on the Check.
accountName - string
Optional.(For direct debit only). Name for the account.
bankName - string
Optional.(For direct debit only). The bank name.
bankCity - string
Optional.(For direct debit only). The bank city.
bankCountry - string
Optional.(For direct debit only). The bank country.


Status Code

201 Created
The payment information was successfully created
400 Bad Request
The request body was missing a required field or one of the fields did not comply with the requirements (in this case, the response body will contain hints for what went wrong)
401 Unauthorized
Authentication failed
403 Forbidden
Authentication succeeded, but the logged-in user is not allowed to create users in this account. The only users allowed to create users in this account are sales agents and account owners of this account. An account owner is any account user with the "sitecontrol_account_owner" role.
404 Not Found
The account does not exist
409 Conflict
The payment information cannot be created because another payment account with the same information already exists for this user. OR
The credit card information has been rejected. Some reasons for CC validation failures are:
- Invalid or expired credit card;
- Invalid CVV number;
- Invalid credit card billing address;
- Black-listed credit card

Response Headers

The URI for the newly created payment information

Response Body



Add an credit card payment info

POST http://<serverName>/accounts/<accountId>/paymentInfo

 "paymentInfoType": "credit_card",
 "accountNumber": "111111111111111111",
 "cardHolderName": "John Smith",
 "verificationNumber": "555",
 "creditCardType": "amex",
 "expirationDate": "2015-06",
 "billingAddress": {
    "street1": "Address Line 1",
    "street2": "Address Line 2",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "postalCode": "60606",
    "stateOrProvince": "IL"

Response headers

Location    http://<serverName>/accounts/<accountId>/paymentInfo/cc-<newly_created_id>

Add a direct debit payment info

POST http://<serverName>/accounts/<accountId>/paymentInfo

 "paymentInfoType": "direct_debit",
 "routingNumber": "123456789",
 "accountNumber": "1234",
 "accountName": "My Account Name",
 "accountOwner": "John Smith",
 "bankName": "My Bank",
 "bankCity": "Chicago",
 "bankCountry": "US"

Response headers

Location    http://<serverName>/accounts/<accountId>/paymentInfo/dd-<newly_created_id>

See also

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