
From Hostway API Documentation
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GET /domains/{domainName}/details

Returns full details about a domain name such as registrant contact (whois) info, its creation, update and expiration dates, name servers, lock and hold status as well as product URIs.



GET /domains/{domainName}/details


domainName - string
The valid domain name to retrieve including only the labels that are appropriate for a valid domain name. IE: is a valid domain name , whereas or are not. If the domain name is invalid, or is otherwise not registerable such as for a non-existent or non-supported TLD, an error will be returned. Domain names are case insensitive. The domain name must be an open or suspended product under the authenticated franchise.

URI Parameters


Request Headers



Status Code

200 OK
Domain info successfully retrieved.
202 Accepted
Domain info successfully retrieved, however an action is still pending and the registration or transfer remains incomplete. Domain cannot be updated.
412 Precondition Failed
Domain is not registered in this account and cannot be accessed.
404 Not Found
No domain records found for the given domain name.
400 Bad Request
The domain name is not valid.

Response Body

   "createDate":"2010-03-20T03:23:20-08:00",      -----\
   "updateDate":"2013-02-15T05:15:33-08:00",      -------> datetime standard?
   "expireDate":"2013-03-20T03:23:20-08:00",      -----/
   "registrarLock":"true",                        -------> domain status
   "registrarHold":"false",                       ----/
   "registryLock":"false",                        ---/
   "registryHold":"false",                        --/
   "immutable":"false"                            -/
         "contactType":"registrant",              -------> contact structure
         "company":"DomainPeople, Inc.",           .
         "name":{                                   .
            "lastName":"Domain",                     .
            "firstName":"Admin"                       .
         },                                            .
            "street1":"Suite 200",
            "street2":"550 Burrard Street",
            "postalCode":"V6C 2B5",
         "company":"DomainPeople, Inc.",  
            "street1":"Suite 200",
            "street2":"550 Burrard Street",
            "postalCode":"V6C 2B5",
         "company":"DomainPeople, Inc.",  
            "street1":"Suite 200",
            "street2":"550 Burrard Street",
            "postalCode":"V6C 2B5",
         "company":"DomainPeople, Inc.",  
            "street1":"Suite 200",
            "street2":"550 Burrard Street",
            "postalCode":"V6C 2B5",


contactList - list
an array of contacts with a contactType of 'registrant', 'admin', 'billing', or 'technical'
firstName - string
Contact's first name.
lastName - string
Contact's last name.
company - string
Contact's company name (optional).
street1 - string
Contact's street address.
street2 - string
Contact's street address second line (optional).
city - string
Contact's city.
stateOrProvince - string
Contact's state or province string or two character code for US and CA.
postalCode - string
Contact's postal or ZIP code.
countryCode - string
Contact's 2 character country code per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2[1].
fax - string
Contact's fax number in ITU-T E.164[2] format (optional).
email1 - string
Contact's primary e-mail address.
nameservers - list
An array of 0 to 13 unique nameservers that are assigned to the domain in listed order of assignement
status - list
An array of status assigned to the domain including 'ok', 'active'
links - list
Hypermedia for this resource.

See also

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