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[edit] Order a new domain

This is a step by step example of ordering a domain through the Hostway Ordering API.

[edit] Create a new order

Use POST /orders to create a new order

[edit] Request

POST /orders
Content-Type: application/json


[edit] Response

201 Created


[edit] Add product to the order

The domain registration product specification offerings can be determined using the Hostway Product Catalog API. Add a new domain product to the order by using POST /orders/{order_id}/account/products.

[edit] Request

POST /orders/00000149334635c2a163f194007f000000010001/account/products
Content-Type: application/json

{ "offering": "http://coreapi01.ote.chicago.hostway:8100/productSpecifications/core.plan.dnr.only/offerings/USD-12" }

[edit] Response

201 Created
Content-Type : application/json; charset=UTF-8
Connection : close
Location : http://coreapi01.ote.chicago.hostway:8100/orders/00000149334635c2a163f194007f000000010001/account/products/0000014933463b7219be46f0007f000000010001/


[edit] Add a service to the product

The domain registration service specification offerings can be determined using the Hostway Product Catalog API for the corresponding core.dnr.{tld} product. Then add a new email service to the order by using POST /orders/{order_id}/account/products/{product_id}/services.

[edit] Request

POST /orders/00000149334635c2a163f194007f000000010001/account/products/0000014933463b7219be46f0007f000000010001/services
Content-Type: application/json


[edit] Response

201 Created
Content-Type : application/json; charset=UTF-8
Location : http://coreapi01.ote.chicago.hostway:8100/orders/00000149334635c2a163f194007f000000010001/account/products/0000014933463b7219be46f0007f000000010001/services/0000014933463eead40ac7ba007f000000010001/


[edit] Add attributes to the service

Use the PUT /orders/{order_id}/account/products/{product_id}/services/{service_id}/attributes call to add the attributes for the domain service. Note that the example below is using "extraParams" attribute which is only required for some TLDs (.us in this case).

[edit] Request

PUT /orders/0000014933612cf9fb1c626a007f000000010001/account/products/0000014933613211db39d7c4007f000000010001/services/0000014933613528f83d7290007f000000010001/attributes
Content-Type: application/json

         "company":"ACME Inc.",
         "street1":"123 First Str.",
         "street1":"123 First Str.",
         "street1":"123 First Str.",
         "street1":"123 First Str.",

[edit] Response

204 No content

[edit] Create a new account for the order

Use PUT /orders/{order_id}/account to create an account or add an existing one to the order.

[edit] Request

PUT /orders/0000014933612cf9fb1c626a007f000000010001/account
Content-Type: application/json

{ "currency": "USD", "language": "en-US" }

[edit] Response

204 No content

[edit] Add user info

[edit] Request

PUT /orders/0000014933612cf9fb1c626a007f000000010001/account/user
Content-Type: application/json

{ "userName": "quah@141021-104405.com", "password": "t0pSekr1t" }

[edit] Response

204 No content

[edit] Add billing contact

[edit] Request

PUT /orders/0000014933612cf9fb1c626a007f000000010001/account/contactInfo/billing
Content-Type: application/json

      "street1":"100 n riverside",
      "street2":"ste 800",

[edit] Response

204 No Content

[edit] Add regular contact

[edit] Request

PUT /orders/0000014933612cf9fb1c626a007f000000010001/account/contactInfo/regular
Content-Type: application/json

      "street1":"100 n riverside",
      "street2":"ste 800",

[edit] Response

204 No Content

[edit] Add payment info to the order

[edit] Request

PUT /orders/0000014933612cf9fb1c626a007f000000010001/account/paymentInfo
Content-Type: application/json

   "cardHolderName":"John Jello",
      "street1":"100 n riverside",
      "street2":"ste 800",

[edit] Response

204 No Content

[edit] Validate the order

[edit] Request

POST /orders/0000014933612cf9fb1c626a007f000000010001/action
Content-Type: application/json

{ "action": "validate" }

[edit] Response

204 No Content

[edit] Get a quote

[edit] Request

GET /orders/0000014933612cf9fb1c626a007f000000010001/quote

[edit] Response

200 OK
Content-Type : application/json; charset=UTF-8


                        "Description":"Domain registration fee ng-test-fitnesse-20141021-1044.us",

                                 "@address1":"123 First Str.",
                                 "@address1":"123 First Str.",
                                 "@address1":"123 First Str.",
                                 "@company":"ACME Inc."
                                 "@address1":"123 First Str.",
            "Name":"DNR Only Plan",
                  "Description":"Recurring fee DNR Only Plan,  ng-test-fitnesse-20141021-1044.us 10/21/2014 through 10/20/2015",

      "DeferredSubTotals": [],
      "DeferredTaxes": [],
      "DeferredTotals": []

[edit] Submit the order

Use POST /orders/{order_id}/action to submit the order.

[edit] Request

POST /orders/0000014933612cf9fb1c626a007f000000010001/action
Content-Type: application/json

    "action": "submit",
    "quoteHash": "b2f4dba3062c44084d3339561781d3bbc7bb9f70"

[edit] Response

202 Accepted

See also

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