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(Paginated request when more then one account is returned)
m (1 revision: Release 101)

Latest revision as of 22:49, 16 December 2014

[edit] GET /accounts

Retrieves a list of all accounts authorized for access with the provided credentials.


[edit] Request

GET /accounts

[edit] URI Parameters

filterStatus - string
Optional. Only accounts with status matching the value of the parameter will be returned. Allowed values are pending, open, suspended, closed.
page - integer
Optional. Specifies which page should be displayed. Requires a pageSize parameter to also be provided.
pageSize - integer
Optional. Specifies the number of entries to be displayed on a page. Default size is 100. Requires a page parameter to also be provided.

[edit] Request Headers

Authorization - HTTP Authorization header [1]
The Authentication credentials of the client application.

[edit] Response

[edit] Status Code

200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
The supplied credentials are invalid or do not provide permissions for this operation.
403 Forbidden
Forbidden access to a user not authorized for such access.
415 Unsupported Media Type
The Content-Type header was not specified or the specified type is not supported. Use application/json.

[edit] Response Body

  "list" : [{
    "status" : "{status}",
    "links" : [{
      "href" : "{account-number}/",
      "rel" : "self"
    "accountNumber" : "{account-number}",
    "createdDate" : "{created-date}",
    "currency": "{currency}"
  "links" : [{
      "href" : "{pageSize}&page={page}",
      "rel" : "self"
      "href" : "{pageSize}&page={page}",
      "rel" : "next"
      "href" : "{pageSize}&page={page}",
      "rel" : "last"

[edit] Parameters

list - list
A collection of dictionaries containing information about specific account
status - string
Describes the status of the account. Valid values are pending, open, suspended, closed
accountNumber - string
The Id of the account
createdDate - date
The date account was created in format Y-m-d
currency - string
An ISO-4217[2] currency code assigned to the account.
links - list
Hypermedia for this account resource. Links to the account.
links - list
Hypermedia Link to self and other resources relevant to the account lists

[edit] Examples

[edit] Listing current account only when provided credentials don't give elevated access


GET /accounts


   "list": [{
      "status": "open", 
      "links": [{
         "href": "", 
         "rel": "self"
      "accountNumber": "test-account",
      "createdDate": "2009-12-07",
      "currency": "USD"
   "links": [{
      "href": "", 
      "rel": "self"

[edit] Paginated request when more then one account is returned


GET /accounts?pageSize=2&page=1


   "list" : [{
         "status" : "open",
         "links" : [{
            "href" : "",
            "rel" : "self"
         "accountNumber" : "test-account-1",
         "createdDate": "2009-12-07",
         "currency": "USD"
         "status" : "closed",
         "links" : [{
            "href" : "",
            "rel" : "self"
         "accountNumber" : "test-account-2",
         "createdDate": "20012-11-01",
         "currency": "CAD"
   "links" : [{
         "href" : "",
	 "rel" : "self"
         "href" : "",
         "rel" : "next"
         "href" : "",
	 "rel" : "last"

[edit] See also

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