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(Account Management)
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Latest revision as of 13:33, 30 May 2016

[edit] Account Management API

The account management API provides methods for managing the account contacts, users and products. Clients can update the status of the account products as well as change (upgrade/downgrade) them.


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[edit] Account Management

[edit] Account Attributes Management

[edit] Contacts Management

[edit] Actions

[edit] ZenDesk SSO Link

[edit] Users Management

[edit] Products Management

[edit] Products Bandwidth Management

Each bandwidth usage is filtered by the traffic type(www or ftp), the start date and the end date in ISO format(eg. 2013-20-02).

[edit] Products Usage Management

[edit] Payment info

[edit] Transactions

[edit] Invoices

[edit] Invoice Transactions

[edit] Account Discount

[edit] Security/Firewall Group

A Security/Firewall Group defines firewall rules for your Server. You have the ability to configure your firewall connections and secure your network as required. You may have one or multiple servers behind a firewall group. Hostway provides a default firewall group, and typical firewall rules are already configured. You can create multiple firewall groups as needed.

[edit] See also

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